5GASP Documentation

D2.1 - Architecture, Model Entities Specification and Design

This document presents the infrastructure architecture and the model entities (roles) used in 5G Application & Services experimentation and certification Platform (5GASP) project. Taking the input from the vertical requirements and the experimentation facilities, it will define the detailed architecture, the internal and external components and their interfaces, the user interaction portal, the 5GASP experimentation Application Programming Interface (API) service, the experiment service orchestrator, the multi-domain approach and the physical architecture.

Download the document: https://5gasp.eu/assets/documents/deliverables/D2.1%20Architecture,%20Model%20Entities%20Specification%20and%20Design.pdf

D2.2 - 5GASP reference certification pipeline

This deliverable aims to provide an initial definition, proposed structure, and reference for the framework for automation of certification as part of the reference architecture. 5GASP aims at shortening the idea-tomarket process through the creation of a European testbed for Small and Mid-size Enterprises (SMEs) that is fully automated and self-service, to foster rapid development and testing of new and innovative Network Applications (NetApps) built using the 5G Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) based reference architecture. Building on top of existing physical infrastructures, 5GASP intends to focus on innovations related to the operation of experiments and tests across several domains, providing software support tools for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) of VNFs in a secure and trusted environment for European SMEs capitalising in the 5G market.

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D3.1 - 5GASP experimentation services, middleware and multi-domain facilities continuous integration

This document presents the 5GASP experimentation facing services, the specific implementation actions to create a multi-domain NFV/SDN fabric and the necessary facilities adaptations to support the introduced open, standardized and unified interfaces. Based on the first 5GASP reference architecture (D2.1), NetApp Onboarding and Deployments Services (NODS) are the founding pillar of the 5GASP ecosystem providing a single entry-point to NetApp developers. The establishment of NODS actors provides guidance towards the extraction of implementation requirements, internal architecture and the interaction with its adjacent components through well-defined interfaces. Furthermore, this document sets the fundamental requirements to sculpture the underlying multi-domain fabric and introduces the implementation approaches of the mature 5G facilities, constituting the overall 5GASP infrastructure.

Download the document: https://5gasp.eu/assets/documents/deliverables/D3.1%20Experimentation%20Services,%20Middleware%20and%20Multi-Domain%20Facilities%20Continuous%20Integration.pdf

D3.2 - 5GASP experimentation services, middleware and multi-domain facilities continuous integration, 2nd release

This document provides an update to the status of 5GASP experimental services, interfaces, facilities support to host the NetApps and the implementation details to create the multi-domain SDN/NFV fabric. This document is a first update to the 5GASP infrastructure and services implementation plan described in the deliverable D3.1. Alongside the status of various components of the 5GASP ecosystem, it will also cover if there are any changes to the proposed implementation plan and further planned enhancements in the 5GASP infrastructure.

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D4.1 - Initial Methodology for Designing and Developing NetApps

The design and development of NetApps is a key phase in the 5GASP workflow, as it is where the majority of the effort of SMEs is focused. Defining a good methodology to support the design and development of NetApps will help make the 5G ecosystem more accessible to SMEs. It will be a founding pillar of the envisioned 5GASP framework. Supposing the design and development of the NetApps are well-defined, the path through the validation and certification of a NetApp can be significantly shortened towards the final goal of publishing it in the NetApp Store. This document details the initial methodology and the onboarding procedure, which is the connection point between the design and development and the 5GASP portal. The defined processes are based on the first proposed architecture for the 5GASP project and the conducted studies of similar approaches in past projects such as 5GTANGO or 5GEVE.

Download the document: https://5gasp.eu/assets/documents/deliverables/D4.1%20Initial%20Methodology%20for%20Designing%20and%20Developing%20NetApps.pdf

D4.2 - Final Methodology for Designing and Developing NetApps

Alongside the 5GASP project Architecture and NetApp’s definition, the consideration to provide a pre-defined design and development methodology was one of the main focuses in the WP4 to introduce a generic PoC NetApps for the three main verticals (Automotive, PPDR, and cross-vertical). As the approved methodology is the founding pillar of the envisioned 5GASP framework, the progress in both NetApps certifications and validation will depend on this deliverable outcome where all design and development of the NetApps are defined. The definition of a commonly agreed methodology was initially described in D4.1 [1] and consequently progressed to the final version in this deliverable as an answer to the involvement and feedback of different SMEs that correspond to the three main verticals. This document details the final methodology and the onboarding procedure and provides a Proof-of-concept (PoC) NetApp example to facilitate the development and deployment at the 5GASP portal. Moreover, the document further summarises the up-to-date status of the evolved NetApps within the 5GASP project.

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D4.3 - Initial Design of NetApps in the Automotive and PPDR Verticals

After defining methodology for designing and developing NetApps in previously issued deliverables D4.1 Initial Methodology for Designing and Developing NetApps [1] and D4.2 Final Methodology for Designing and Developing NetApps [2], this document reports status and results of the initial phases in the process of creating automotive and PPDR-vertical NetApps achieved within the tasks T4.2 Supporting Automotive vertical NetApps and T4.3 Supporting PPDR vertical NetApps. The process of NetApp creation (i.e., design and development) involves multiple steps, as well as considerations related to the NetApp testing scenarios and requirements for the testbed facilities. The document focuses on reporting practical results of the initial NetApp creation phase, thus enhancing the discussion on the current status and achievements and presents certain sections from configuration files and screenshots. Through the results presented in the document, one may get a clearer picture from the developers’ point of view on how the NetApp creation process looks like in practice,

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D5.1 - Initial Report on Test Plan Creation and Testing Methodologies

H2020 5GASP Project
Grant No. 101016448
D5.1 Initial Report on Test Plan Creation and Testing Methodologies

The development of an automated CI/CD Service in 5GASP is one of the main goals of this project. This service will help SMEs and Telecommunication Operators to significantly speed up their NetApp deployment via continuous gathering and reporting of testing outputs from the involved 5GASP testbeds and the NetApps’ own software implementation when they run within the 5GASP ecosystem. This document details the motivation behind the 5GASP’s CI/CD Service, the goals it aims to achieve, and presents its initial architecture and components.
Furthermore, the document also addresses the tests the CI/CD Service will execute and how the NetApp developers can use it to certify their NetApps.

Download the document: https://5gasp.eu/assets/documents/deliverables/D5.1%20Initial%20Report%20on%20Test%20Plan%20Creation%20and%20Testing%20Methodologies.pdf

D5.2 - Integration guide and API reference manual

The purpose of this deliverable is to bring together the 5G facility owners and the NetApp developers of the consortium by using a practical, two-pronged methodology. On the first hand, in this document facility owners provide the status of the APIs that they are currently exposed to NetApp developers so the latter shall be able to onboard, validate and certify their NetApps. On the other hand, in this document NetApp developers provide the necessary technical details of their NetApps and also pre-installation information from their NetApps, such as network service descriptors and any other related NetApp-specific requirements. The goal is to use the information from the NetApp developers of the 5GASP consortium in order to steer facility owners on how they should refine and/or extend their offered APIs.

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D5.3 - Development of testing tools and framework for the Automotive and PPDR Verticals

The development of the flexible and automatic Test, Validation, and Certification Services (TVCS) in 5GASP is one of the main goals of this project. These services will help SMEs and Telecommunication Operators significantly shorten the cycles between the development, testing, and production of their NetApps. This document details all the efforts to develop 5GASP TVCS, the goals it aims to achieve and presents the type of flexible testing, the automation architecture, and the implementation of the automation testing. Furthermore, the document also presents the test scope and lists the test cases in the current initial development phase of 5GASP TVCS. Finally, the automation workflows are presented as a guideline to show the detailed steps from the onboarding of the NetApp triplet to the validation process results collection.

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D6.1 - Initial report on building NetApps Community & defining a certification process

Building a NetApps community is paramount for the 5GASP Project. First, by spreading the word about NetApps and helping the community to understand what the project is about; second, by conveying the necessary development background knowledge; and third, by attracting both SMEs’ and large companies’ interest to become members of the NetApps community for utilising the consortium’s interconnected testbed facilities. This document provides an overview of building the 5GASP NetApps community. Specifically, we introduce and describe in detail our appropriate online platforms for SMEs to support businesses and foster NetApp development by designing two complementary portals, namely the (i) NetAppStore for businesses and the (ii) NetAppCommunity for developers. Moreover, we discuss the organisation and delivery of community engagement events, including educational webinars and workshops related to 5GASP NetApps. Finally, this deliverable also outlines our plans for kicking off the current work packages task related to 5GASP certification processes and our plans for future community engagement events.

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D7.3 - Market Research Report

This document is a report of Market Research Activities performed by the Consortium Members within the scope of WP7. Specifically, we treat market research as a key component of the 5GASP business plan to be delivered at M24 of the project. The objective of this document –which will be a living document, regularly being updated from monitoring the markets of interest – outlines the determination of market size, major competitors, service offerings, and market segmentation for two groups of NetApps addressing the Automotive and PPDR Segments. Evidently, the market analysis outcomes in this document show a market opportunity and potential for both the aforementioned market segments and beyond. The document discusses the key findings and presents the directions of future work in terms of the parallel WP6 / Community Engagement and WP7 / Exploitation and Dissemination activities that the project actively pursues towards grasping the momentum and deriving viable business models. Finally, this document includes, for all NetApps of the SMEs of the Consortium, an initial analysis of the business elements of each NetApp in terms of Value Proposition pertinent to its target market segment, a list of existing and potential customers, identification of competitors, a discussion of the NetApp’s intended licensing / pricing schemes as well as the first version of SWOT analysis of the NetApp.

Download the document: https://5gasp.eu/assets/documents/deliverables/D7.3%20Market%20Research%20Report.pdf

D7.4 - 5GASP Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Framework

The 5GASP Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Framework aims to set guidelines for IPR management with the project and builds upon the 5GASP Grant and Consortium agreements. Presented are procedures covering identification of potential inventions, lifecycle tracking and protection of Intellectual Property as produced by the 5GASP project.

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