5GASP Project


5GASP project aims at accelerating SME’s towards the ‘new world’ of 5G-based Network Applications (Network Applications) which shall empower various verticals with unique capabilities that will unleash the potential in respect to the ’real-world’ use of 5G technologies. 5GASP strives to achieve a long-term goal: the development of a self-sustainable community of 5G researchers, developers and vertical end-users that can disseminate knowledge about I) how to develop Network Applications, II) how to test them under close-to-real conditions; and, III) how to certify their Network Applications, before the latter finally reach their targeted Network Operators and/or Vertical industry customers. Our goal is indeed quite ambitious but at the same time it is pragmatic and feasible in respect to identifying, building, testing and validating a critical mass of technological components and optimal architecture designs, which can become blueprints for Network Application developers.

5GASP project aims at shortening the idea-to-market process through the creation of a European testbed for SMEs that is fully automated and self-service, in order to foster rapid development and testing of new and innovative Network Applications built using the 5G NFV based reference architecture. Building on top of existing physical infrastructures, 5GASP intends to focus on innovations related to the operation of experiments and tests across several domains, providing software support tools for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) of VNFs in a secure & trusted environment for European SMEs capitalizing in the 5G market. 5GASP targets the creation of an Open Source Software (OSS) repository and of a VNF marketplace targeting SMEs with OSS examples and building blocks, as well as the incubation of a community of Network Application developers assisted with tools and services that can enable an early validation and/or certification of products and services for 5G. We focus on inter-domain use-cases, development of operational tools and procedures (supporting day-to-day testing and validation activities) and security/trust of 3rd party IPR running in our testbeds.

One of 5GASP innovative solutions for business is a showcase portal of registered network applications (Network Application Store) providing operational information collected automatically during the Network Applications’ independent testing on the 5GASP platform. The Network Application Store is complemented by the Network Application Community portal supporting Network Applications developers, and generally, interested third party end-users.

5GASP resources

Project website: https://5gasp.eu
Network Application Community portal: https://community.5gasp.eu/
5GASP portal:
Network Application Store (Marketplace): https://portal.5gasp.eu/products/marketplace