The 5G PPP Test Measurement and KPI Validation work group (TMV WG) invites you to join an online workshop on September 28 from 9:00 – 12:00 CEST to reflect on 6G KPIs and how to measure them.
Before EUCNC, the 5G PPP TMV released a white paper on “Beyond 5G/6G KPIs and Target Values” based on input from 5G PPP ICT-52-2020 (ICT-52) projects. In this paper, KPIs from the ICT-52 projects were collected, described, and related to existing 5G KPIs. Where available the target values for 6G were provided.
In the paper the KPIs were clustered in KPI families based on type and the area that the KPI concerns. As most of the ICT-52 projects were in an early stage at the time of the paper creation, some of the KPI definitions and the target values and measurement techniques were often not fully defined.
The target of this workshop is to discuss the KPI definitions and which measurement techniques exist to monitor them. The workshops also intend to identify potential support for the ICT-52 projects. The workshop will also be the kick-off of the next iteration of the white paper on “Beyond 5G/6G KPIs and Target Values” where the aim is to further refine target values and the measurement techniques, again based on input from the ICT-52 projects and the 5GPPP TMV working group.
Full details, the draft agenda and the registration form may be found here: