Showcasing the migration of Virtual On-board Units through the 5GASP platform in GAIA 5G

GAIA 5G serves as a demonstrator testbed for automotive scenarios within the 5GASP European project. This initiative stems from a collaborative effort between the University of Murcia and Odin Solutions. In this ecosystem, GAIA 5G seamlessly integrates and equips developers with essential tools for testing their 5G network applications within […]

5GASP’s contribution to ETSI SDG OpenSlice

The 5GASP project envisaged supporting a multi-site CI/CD DevOps cycle for Network Applications enabled by reproducible network service deployments. For this purpose, it supports the management of multiple NFVOs, spanning through multiple geographical areas across Europe, to orchestrate, oversee and validate the employed Network Application. Also, it introduces a triplet […]

The role of the Network Exposure Function (NEF) in the 5GASP Project

The landscape of 5G technology is witnessing a transformative era. One of the 5G Network Function propelling it, is the Network Exposure Function (NEF). This key element provides interfaces that make it possible for a Network Application to interact with the 5G network, and even request specific network configurations. Therefore, […]

Steering Into the Future: Unveiling the Impact of 5G on Automotive Remote Operations

In an era where technology is the linchpin of infinite possibilities, the automotive industry is steering into a future replete with innovation. The fuel propelling this journey? None other than 5G technology. As vehicles become more connected, the roads they traverse morph into networks of seamless communication, driving us closer […]

Accelerating 5G PPDR Slice Deployment with 5GASP: A Closer Look

In our previous blog posts, “Isolated Operations in 5G PPDR – 5G IOPS” and “Assuring 5G PPDR slice in 5GASP environment,” we highlighted the importance of resilience in Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) communications and introduced the concept of Isolated Operations for Public Safety (IOPS). Leveraging the 5G Application […]

Testbed for beyond 5G networks

5GASP primary objectives include establishing an Open Source Software (OSS) repository and a VNF marketplace for SMEs, offering examples and building blocks based on OSS. It also aims to foster a community of Network Application developers by providing tools and services that enable early validation and certification of 5G products […]

PrivacyAnalyzer 5GASP Network Application

PrivacyAnalyzer is a commercial product of LamdaNetworks It implements an AI Spark-based analytics engine which offers the functionality for assessing the privacy strength of applications or services against confidential information disclosure. It can detect issues like finding email addresses, GPS coordinates, names, cities, and many more patterns and allows […]

Network Applications as an enabler for AI-driven Autonomous networking

ICT-41 5GASP took part in IEEE ICC 2023 Industry Forum & Exhibition (IF&E) in Rome, May 29th 2023, represented by Dr Xenofon Vasilakos (*). Dr Vasilakos attended as an invited speaker to the IF&E workshop “PR-2: SELF-ORGANIZING, SELF-MANAGING (AI-DRIVEN) AUTONOMOUS 6G NETWORKS” to present 5GASP’s approach on “Network Applications as […]